Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quiet, Please - Simple Chinese

Earlier this week, Horizon Media (home to such authors as Khaled Hosseini, John le Carre, and Sarah Dunant) made an offer to translate "Quiet, Please" into simple Chinese (as opposed to complex Chinese, which it is already being translated into).

This means simple Chinese will become the third official non-English translation. Expect to see it at an Asian bookstore near you in about two years, give or take.


Mellerson said...

Just be careful that they don't pirate it. In the time I've lived in Beijing, I've seen pirated versions in both English and Simplified Chinese of... Harry Potter, Bill Clinton 'My Life', and a few Dan Browns and Meg Cabots sold off the back of a cart . Well, wait, I guess that would mean your title would be pretty popular, so maybe you should hope for it :D

Scott Douglas said...

I would be honored if I was bootlegged. I'm not counting on it though...