Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Roland, the New Celeb Blogger!

Those of you who don't get American Libraries Direct (ALA's weekly email), Roland (from the book) got a nice shout out! Looks like he's on his way to library blogger fame! Way to go, Roland! And remember, you heard about him first on this blog...

For those of you who did not read it, Roland was my guest blogger while I was away on my honeymoon. You can read those blogs here. He is better know for the big interview scene that was published in the middle of "Quiet, Please."

Below is the reference that AL made (it's from the blog he posted yesterday):
How to annoy a public librarianFive suggestions from Roland Saint-Laurent, among them: "If the computer you're working at has icons, delete them all as soon as you finish your session. I don't know why patrons do this, but I will occasionally see a computer station with either one, a couple, or all of the icons missing. Since there are a ton of computers in the library, it's usually not a terrible inconvenience to the public," but it certainly is annoying to the staff....Stay Down Here Where You Belong, June 17


cherrybomb said...


If he becomes too narcissistic and pompous, I'm coming after you!

Oh, wait...

Roland Saint-Laurent said...

And once again, I thank you for all your kind words and help. I don't thank you, however, for instigating minor spats with me and my gal!