Little Brown will publisher what may be the very last book by David Foster Wallace. It's called "This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delievered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life;" unfortunately, the book will contain nothing original. It is the speech Wallace gave three years ago at Kenyon College. The parts I have heard from the speech are pretty incredible.
I'm still holding out hope that there is some little unpublished gem that will come up in a few years...

How about instead of wishing for some unpublished gem to show up, sitting down and reading Infinite Jest? For such a big fan of DFW, you keep avoiding what seems to be considered his most famous book.
That's because I don't want to break the spine of something so sacred...I'm waiting for it to come on Kindle! I have read parts of it, but I'm fearful of reading all of it because then I'll have no other DFW book to I'm waiting for a month of free time, so I can properly enjoy it without interruptions.
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