Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yours for the low price of...

I have updated my Web store (http://www.scottdouglas.org/store.htm); it now has two items instead of one. Both things do include shipping and handling charges, so what you see is what you pay (unless it's international, of course).

Two notes on those two things:
One, The Library Tree will cease to exist once I sell all the copies...so get it now while you can. I'd like to one day do a bit a revision and see this book published by an actual publisher, but until then I'm going to stop the first run at an even 100 (these have all been pre-signed, dated, and numbered)...seems like a good number. If the demand ever presents itself, I'll put out a new edition one day in the distant future...but you can own the first and original (unrevised) version! You can also read the first three chapters at the link above...

Two, a signed copy of Quiet, Please: Dispatches from a Public Librarian is also being sold on my website for $25. You'll get it a whole lot quicker buying it the traditional way (through an online bookstore like Amazon or an actual store like Borders), so I would go that route; if you want them signed just see me at a reading, and I'll be more than happy to sign the book. If you would like it personalized, then make sure and tell me when you buy the book what you would like it to say.

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