Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Times They Are a Changing...

It's been a busy week for change this week. BART announced plans for mini-libraries of sorts inside metro terminals (which means we are one machine closer to replacing librarians, but equally closer to having Star Bucks fully staffed with MLIS carrying barista's); Fidel Castro resigned, which everyone knew was coming but still a sign for changing times. And finally, most importantly perhaps, Wal-Mart announced plans to open health clinics in their stores! It's a pretty sorry day in America when the best thing we can do for our citizens is send them to Wal-mart instead of giving them free health care like every other established country in the world; maybe it's just me, but does having your doctor say he's "rolling back prices on a flu-shot" sound just a little scary? When Wal-mart seems to care more about the little guy then the government, then perhaps it's time for change. Sure Wal-mart is only doing it because there's a profit to be made, but if they can find a profit in helping the underprivileged, then why can't the rest of the country...Wal-mart is supposed to be our enemy, not our friend!

1 comment:

  1. I think in the future everything you need--food, water, groceries, clothing, restaurants, coffee, doctors, schools, etc--will be in Wal-Mart. There will be no more schools, libraries, hospitals, or anything, because it'll all be at Wal-Mart. Boy, I'm excited already!
