Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hot Off the Presses

Advance copies of Quiet, Please arrived at my doorstep today! These are the real thing! Cover and all. Basically it's the first ones off the presses. The rest are still being printed, but will start heading to bookstores sometime in March. A picture is below...and on that note I'd like to give a big shout out to all the fine people at UPS; this special two day delievery would not be possible with out your love and support.

It's a bit with weird to stare at the 300+ pages and think, I wrote that! I didn't know I had so much to say! (Actually the last 250 pages are just me saying, "I love Diana. I love Diana." over and over again! j/k). I don't know that the feeling will ever really go away...I hope not.

Sorry, but most of you will have to wait one more month to read it. In the meantime, read some early reviews about the book here:

*Jessaymn West from

*Steve on Goodreads (who got an advance copy at a book show in January):

*d on Goodreads (a slightly bias review (being as how she's going to marry me and all...and she's in the book!)):


  1. oh i am sure it will go away ;)

  2. Congrats! I can't wait to buy it and read it!
