Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Darn You Oscar!

Occasionally librarians do very serious work. This week was one such week, because it was the Oscars. Oscars give librarians an excuse to do serious research on such important topics as "Who will win best actress." On Tuesday when the votes have been tallied, a librarian who wins is hailed the best person to take with you next time you take to Vegas or want to know what stocks to pick.

I was confident this year. I made some wise decisions in the stock market, and ended making a handsome sum of money. I believed that at last I finally knew how to research. My time had come. I would be the Oscar king! But I lost. I got a score of 19. The winner got a score of 22.

In retrospect, I did pretty good. I wisely choose the right picks for most the categories with movies no one will ever see (i.e. Short doc and live short). My biggest fault was not having faith in the Bourne Ultimatum, and, for reason I'm not sure of, picking There Will Be Blood over No Country for Old Men.

In truth I hate the Oscars (if this statement is true then what is this essay all about?). I have never watched one all the way through (does anyone?), and for the past few years I have watched known of it at all (though I did go to YouTube in search of Jon Stewarts better moments). But I'm a sucker for competition, and am logically drawn to this annual contest.

Oh well. There's always next year...

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